Welcome to the Menominee, Michigan and Marinette, Wisconsin Local Business Directory and Shopping Guide. Find local small businesses that offer what you’re looking for! This is a free service provided by WK Multi-Media & More.
Home of Yesteryear www.facebook.com/Home-of-Yesteryear 953 1st Street Menominee MI 49858. Phone- (906) 352-4197 Email- homeofyesteryear@gmail.com
Main Street Antique Mall www.facebook.com/MainStreetAntinqueMall 1622 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 901-3315 Email- mainstreetantiquemalls@gmail.com Website- http://mainstreetantiquemalls.com/
Sticks & Stones www.facebook.com/Kristysfinejunk 10th Ave, Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-2177
Superior Auction & Appraisal LLC www.facebook.com/SuperiorAuctionAppraisal 1107 13th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-2942 Email- info@superiorauction.net Website- http://www.superiorauction.net/
180 auto towing and recovery www.facebook.com/180autotowing Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 508-1777 Website- https://hannemanshea.wixsite.com/180autotowingandre-2
A&B Automotive Marinette www.facebook.com/AB-Automotive-Marinette 2318 Hall Ave, Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-6326 Email- brianjr@aandbautomotive.net Website- http://aandbautomotivemarinette.com/
Auto Credit Center www.facebook.com/mmautocredit 3501 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-8288 Email- acci3501@gmail.com Website- http://www.mmautocredit.com/
Auto Pro’s Service Center www.facebook.com/Auto-Pros-Service-Center 4120 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-4444 Email- autoprosservicecenter@yahoo.com Website- http://WWW.AUTOPROSREPAIR.COM/
Dans Faster Lube www.facebook.com/DansFasterLube 748 Marinette Ave, Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-7400 Website- https://www.dansfasterlube.com/
McClaine’s Auto Repair, LLC www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057120144241 2905 Mary St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-0610 Email- mcclainautorepairllc@outlook.com
NKS Tire and Auto Service www.facebook.com/NKSTire W1736 Hwy 41 Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-5834 Website-https://www.goodyear.com/en-US/tire-shop/Marinette+WI+54143+US/000166604
Prestige Auto Body www.facebook.com/prestigeautobodymarinette 412 County Road T Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-4544 Website- prestigeautobodyandtowing.com
Wrappix Dcals & Signs www.facebook.com/Wrappix-Dcals-Signs-102188864558581 Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 330-8298 Email- wrappixdcalssigns@gmail.com
35th & Coffee www.facebook.com/35thandcoffee 3417 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858/1401 8th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 792-6070 Website- https://35thandcoffee.com/
Bake & Brew Marinette www.facebook.com/groups/3518144818266856 1703 Stephenson St, Marinette, WI 54143
Bergie’s Spoonful of Sugar www.facebook.com/BergiesSpoonfulofSugar W2508 County Road B Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 923-5223
Bagel Shoppe & Cafe https://www.facebook.com/bagelshoppecafe 2210 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-4370 Website- http://bagelshoppecafe.com/
The Cooling Rack by Naomi www.facebook.com/thecoolingrackbynaomi Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 330-9435 Email- naomilynnmilburn@gmail.com
Zinger Coffee & Tea www.facebook.com/ZingerCoffeeTea 1739 Marinette Ave, Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-5454 Email- mike_zings@yahoo.com Website- https://mikezings.wixsite.com/zingercoffeeandtea/our-shops
B&G Contracting www.facebook.com/CONTRACTBG Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 330-1881 Website- http://WWW.BANDGCONTRACTING.COM/
J & M Refacing Inc www.facebook.com/J-M-Refacing-Inc-153045681403794 2202 Hall Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-4505 Email- wind_rider@new.rr.com Website- http://hansenscreek.com/
PH Cleaning Solutions www.facebook.com/phcleaningsolutions Phone- (715) 330-9916 Email- phcleaningsolutions@outlook.com
Pride Builders II, LLC www.facebook.com/Pride-Builders-II-LLC-1068485877068602814 Harding Street, Marinette, WI Phone- (715) 735-7076 Email- pridebuilders2@gmail.com Website- http://www.pridebuildersii.com/
Quality Concrete & Construction, LLC https://www.facebook.com/Quality-Concrete-Construction-LLC-875342365839466 Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-2976 Email- concret3131@gmail.com
Image Works Custom Apparel www.facebook.com/imageworksapparel 528 10th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-3000 Email- tracy@imageworksapparel.com Website- https://www.imageworksapparel.net/
McCraftie’s www.facebook.com/McCraftie 1004 17th Ave, Menominee, MI Phone- (715) 690-9581 Website- https://mccraftiellc.square.site/
Mint Expressions, LLC www.facebook.com/mintexpressionsllc 310 French St. Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 701-4788 Email- mintexpressionsllc@gmail.com Website- http://www.mintexpressions.com/
Peshtigo Apparel Co & More www.facebook.com/peshtigoapparelco Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 582-1242 Email- peshtigoapparelco@gmail.com Website- https://peshtigoapparelco.com/
UP North Designs www.facebook.com/UPNorthDesignsMI Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 290-1028 Email- beckylinsmeier@yahoo.com
Bay Area Academy of Dance www.facebook.com/baaddance Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 923-2309 Email- patricia.j.delorme@gmail.com
First Street Academy of Dance www.facebook.com/firststreetacademyofdance 521 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 600-0251 Email- fsadance@gmail.com Website- http://www.firststreetacademyofdance.com/
Studio 170 www.facebook.com/dancestudio170 170 Pine St. Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 923-5233 Email- dancestudio170@gmail.com Website- http://www.dancestudio170.com
Kidz Town Childcare Center https://www.facebook.com/Kidz-Town-Childcare-Center-113644367908665 1610 15th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 587-5394 Email- kidztownchildcarecenter@gmail.com
Rainbow Connection Daycare www.facebook.com/Rainbow-Connection-Daycare-Center-135494689820859 1100 23rd Ave. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-2273 Email- rainbowconnectiondaycare@new.rr.com Website- https://rainbow-connection-daycare-43.webself.net/
The Country Schoolhouse Daycare & Preschool www.facebook.com/memoninee 1611 10th Ave. Menomoinee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-4420 Email- mmcountryschoolhouse@gmail.com
Blueberry Pier Farm Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- 906-863-8718 Email- dpier@new.rr.com
Menominee Historic Downtown Farmers Market www.facebook.com/MenomineeFarmersMarket 940 1st St. Menominee, MI (Spies Public Library Parking Lot) Phone- (906) 863-8718 Email- menomineehdfarmersmarket@gmail.com Website- http://www.menomineefarmersmarket.com/
M&M Farmers Market www.facebook.com/MandMFarmersMarket 1207 8th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-1281 Email- info.mcffe@gmail.com
A&K Bait & Tackle www.facebook.com/ankbaitntackle 1616 Shore Drive Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-9595 Website- http://aandksport.com/
Wild Rose North Ltd. Outfitters www.facebook.com/windrosenorth 427 10th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-0206 Email- zakaubert@gmail.com Website- http://www.windrosenorth.com/
Flower Gallery www.facebook.com/FlowerGalleryMenominee 426 10th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-6522 Email- flowergallerymeno@att.net Website- http://upflowergallery.net/
Flowers on State www.facebook.com/flowersonstate Phone- (715) 330-6111 Email- info@flowersonstate.com Website- http://flowersonstate.com/
French Street Floral & Gifts www.facebook.com/frenchstreetfloralandgifts 211 French St. Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 582-2192 Email- frenchstreetfloralandgifts@gmail.com Website- www.frenchstreetfloralandgifts.com/
By The Bay Gallery & Gifts www.facebook.com/bythebaygalleryandgifts 515 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-4185 Email- bythebaygallerygifts@gmail.com Website- https://www.bythebaygalleryandgifts.com/
CJ’s Glass www.facebook.com/CJs-Glass-101347793275664 802 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (608) 354-2303 Email- cjsglass@gmail.com
First Street Art Gallery www.facebook.com/FirstStreetArt 601 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-4562 Email- fsagmenominee@gmail.com Website- https://firststreetartgallery.com/
Julie Huebner Pottery & Art Studio www.facebook.com/JulieHuebnerPottery W758 Edwards Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 938-2546 Email- juliehuebner1@gmail.com
Prickly Pear Studio & Ceramic Cafe www.facebook.com/PricklyPearStudio 625 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 330-8927 Email- thepricklypearstudio@gmail.com Website- http://www.thepricklypearstudio.com/
Sno-Haven Potterywww.facebook.com/flowersnclay 1215 9th St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 923-7040 Email- marciadefnet@gmail.com Website- http://www.snohavenpottery.com/
The Craft Cave www.facebook.com/Crafty811 811 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 587-4643 Email- foou7@yahoo.com
The Junky Artisan www.facebook.com/TheJunkyArtisan N4184 Schacht Rd. Marinette, WI 54143 Email- thejunkyartisan@gmail.com Website- http://www.thejunkyartisan.com/
Chenier’s Marinette Garden Center www.facebook.com/cheniersmarinette 1220 Jackson St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-9411
Erik’s Garden Center www.facebook.com/EriksGardenCenter W1932 US Highway 41 Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-2316 Email- sales@eriksgardencenter.com Website- http://www.eriksgardencenter.com/
Grow Masters www.facebook.com/Grow.Masters.MI 2900 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-2083 Email- migrowmasters@gmail.com Website- http://www.migrowmasters.com/
Marinette Farm & Garden & Pets Too www.facebook.com/myfarmgardenpets2 630 Hattie St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-7439 Email- mfg@newbc.rr.com Website- http://www.myfarmgarden.com/
Penny’s Plants & Pots www.facebook.com/pennysplantspots W5396 Evergreen Rd. No 3 Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-5012 Email- mullicent@aol.com Website- http://www.pennysplantspots.com/
Petal’n’Roots www.facebook.com/PetalnRoots W6693 Beech Rd. Porterfield, WI 54159 Phone- (715) 854-3250 Email- kathleen.gtgs@gmail.com Website- http://www.petalnroots.com/
Raven Wood Gardens, LLC www.facebook.com/RavenWoodGardensLLC N4983 State Highway M-35 Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 923-9362 Email- loubatesravenwood@gmail.com Website- http://www.ravenwoodgardensllc.com/
TLC Lawn Service & Garden Center https://www.facebook.com/TLC-Lawn-Service-and-Garden-Center-1396696130611767 N1077 River Dr. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-5732 Website- http://tlclawnservice.net/
Bella Hair Workshop www.facebook.com/abruette 912 Frontage Rd. Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 582-3748
Beedazzled Hair Studio www.facebook.com/BrendaLRohde 201 French St. Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 938-1600
Coffin Creations Nail Studio https://www.facebook.com/CoffinCreationsNails 1708 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 701-9133
Details Salon www.facebook.com/detailssalonmarinette 2122 Hall Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-5078 Email- lisa.details2125@gmail.com Website- http://www.detailssalonmarinette.com/
Hair Depot www.facebook.com/hairdepotmarinette 2081 Old Peshtigo Rd. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-0019
Intrigue Salon & Body Studio www.facebook.com/intriguesalonandbodystudio 519 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-4238 Email- intriguesalon519@gmail.com
L Salon www.facebook.com/L-Salon-1402293436659800 1309 13th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 587-4166
Salon Nevaeh www.facebook.com/Salonnevaeh54143 2545 Roosevelt Rd. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-1031 Email- nevaeh.salon@ymail.comWebsite- https://salonnevaeh54143.wixsite.com/website
Aaron Kurz- Certified Personal Trainer www.facebook.com/kurzaaron Phone- 920-857-7456 Website- http://www.issacertifiedtrainer.com/aaronkurz
Absolute Nutrition www.facebook.com/absolutenut 2025 Marinette Ave, Marinette, WI, 54143 Phone- (715) 330-5034 Email- absolutenut1@gmail.com
Achieve Nutrition www.facebook.com/AchieveMarinette 3511 Murray St. Marinette, WI 54143Phone- (715) 330-5153 Email- achievemarinette@gmail.com Website- http://Stacypeterson.goherbalife.com/
Ironhouse Family Fitness www.facebook.com/cptchelsea 1439 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (906) 424-0953 Email- skaggsjason30@yahoo.com Website- http://ironhousefitness.net/
Marinette-Menominee YMCA www.facebook.com/MMYMCA 1600 West Dr. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-9983 Website- http://www.mmymca.org/
New Beginnings Health & Wellness, LLC www.facebook.com/debcorey.coach Menominee, MI Email- debcrn_96@yahoo.com
Northern Nutrition www.facebook.com/NorthernNutrition1541 1541 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 504-2007 Website- https://tracyrhode.goherbalife.com/en-us
River Cities Community Pool www.facebook.com/River-Cities-Community-Pool-151205311585229 1125 University Dr. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-0585 Email- rivercitiescommunitypool@yahoo.com Website- http://www.rivercitiespool.org/
Truth in Function: Joint Strength & Stability Center www.facebook.com/truthinfunction 1617 10th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 781-9741 Website- http://truthinfunction.com/
Yoga with Sally- Certified Yoga Instructor Sally Van Eyck www.facebook.com/yogawithsally1 (920)544-3685 Email- joinyogawithsally@gmail.com
Advanced Wellness & Physical Therapy www.facebook.com/Advanced-Wellness-Physical-Therapy-494961043943973 1931 Marinette Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-5500 Email- joni@advancedptsm.com
Barker Physical Therapy Clinic, S.C. www.facebook.com/BarkerPTClinic 2724 Cahill Rd. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 330-5547 Email- abarker@barkerptclinic.com Website- http://www.BarkerPTClinic.com/
Duda Chiropractic www.facebook.com/dudachiro 3110 Gilbert St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-4018 Email- dudachiro@centurytel.net
Heritage Hearing Care www.facebook.com/HeritageHearingCareMI 705 10th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-2945 Email- heritagehearingcaremi@gmail.com
M&M Chiropractic & Wellness www.facebook.com/mandmchiro 725 10th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-8410 Email- dr.steuck@yahoo.com Website- http://mandmchiro.com/
Stalheim Chiropractic www.facebook.com/stalheimchiropractic 604 County Rd. T Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-9824 Website- http://www.stalheimchiro.com/
Affordable Insurance https://www.facebook.com/myaffordableinsurance 1205 10th Ave. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-5000 Email- mike@myaffordable.com Website- http://www.myaffordable.com/
Insurance Works Agency https://www.facebook.com/theinsuranceworksagency 2042 Maple Ave. Ste. B Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-9051 Website- https://www.theinsuranceworksagency.com/
Jason Anderson – American Family Insurance Agent – Marinette & Peshtigo, WI https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063661555251 1620 Cleveland Ave. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-4644 Email- jander15@amfam.com
Nerat Brent – State Farm Agent https://www.facebook.com/Nerat-Brent-State-Farm-Agent-152981284744290 1231 9th Ave. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-9933 Email- brent.nerat.mvz1@statefarm.com Website- http://www.statefarm.com/
Patricia Mueller – Farmers Insurance & Rocket Mortgage https://www.facebook.com/patriciamuelleragency 1405 13th St. Suite B Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-8365 Email- pmueller@farmersagent.com
Rick Thill – State Farm Insurance Agent https://www.facebook.com/RickThillStateFarmAgent 240 French St. Peshtigo, WI 54147 Phone-
(715) 582-4466 Email- rick@rickthill.com Website- https://www.rickthill.com/
Twin City Service Agency https://www.facebook.com/twincityserviceagency 1415 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-4446 Website- http://tcsainsurance.com/
Elite Welding and Custom Lawn Service www.facebook.com/ontheedgeremoval Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (920) 639-9482 Email- coondoghuntin1@gmail.com
Happy Hen Lawn Service www.facebook.com/Happy-Hen-Lawn-Service-103775278055411 Menominee, MI Phone- (715) 504-9330 Email- josh@happyhenlawnservice.com Website- https://www.happyhenlawnservice.com/
Miller Tree Service Marinette/ Menominee Area www.facebook.com/Millers-Tree-Service-Marinette-Menominee-Area-896267787165335 Menominee, MI Phone- (715) 330-1603 Email- millerstreeservice@yahoo.com Website- http://millerstree-service.business.site/
Parthie Landscape & Stone, LLC www.facebook.com/parthie.landscape W1558 US Highway 41 Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-0646 Email- admin@parthielandscape.com Website- http://parthielandscape.com/
TLC Lawn Service & Garden Center https://www.facebook.com/TLC-Lawn-Service-and-Garden-Center-1396696130611767 N1077 River Dr. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-5732 Website- http://tlclawnservice.net/
Spies Public Library www.facebook.com/Spies-Public-Library-269980909679791 940 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-3911 Email- sandrab@uproc.lib.mi.us Website- https://spiespubliclibrary.org/
Stephenson Public Library www.facebook.com/Stephenson-Public-Library-251740491655593 1700 Hall Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-7570 Email- mrt@marinettecountylibraries.org Website- http://marinettecountylibraries.org/stephenson
Marinette Historical Museum www.facebook.com/Marinette-Historical-Museum-601620456650676 1650 Bridge St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-0831 Website- http://www.marinettemuseum.com/
Menominee Heritage Museum www.facebook.com/MenomineeHeritageMuseum 904 11th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-9000 Email- menomineeheritagemuseum@gmail.com Website- https://menomineehistory.org/
Peshtigo Fire Museum www.facebook.com/pages/Peshtigo%20Fire%20Museum/113826281981466/ 400 Oconto Ave Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 582-3244 Website- http://www.peshtigofiremuseum.org/
West Shore Fishing Museum www.facebook.com/WestShoreMuseum N5146 State Highway M35 Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 923-9756 Email- wsfmuseum@gmail.com
Pack-n-Ship, Ect. www.facebook.com/pnsetc 2545 Roosevelt Rd. Ste. 107 Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 330-5189 Email- chris@pnsetc.com Website- http://www.pnsetc.com/
Pack N Ship Center LLC www.facebook.com/PackNShipCenterLlc 1045 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-4095 Email- packnshipcenterllc@ymail.com
Barking Spot ( Mobile) www.facebook.com/Barkingspotmobile Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- 715-330-2451
Grooming by Jackie www.facebook.com/Grooming-by-Jackie-2248476855434028 921 US Hwy 41 Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 290-1051
Marinette DOG Nanny www.facebook.com/MarinetteDogNanny Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (828) 738-6269 Email- admin@marinettedognanny.com Website- http://www.marinettedognanny.com/
Marinette Garden & Farm & Pets Too www.facebook.com/myfarmgardenpets2 630 Hattie St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-7439 Email- mfg@newbc.rr.com Website- http://www.myfarmgarden.com/
Marinette Waggin’ Tails www.facebook.com/MarinetteWagginTails 1316 Marinette Ave Ste. B Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-8245 Email- marinettewaggintails@gmail.com Website- http://www.marinettewaggintails.com/
Menominee Animal Shelter www.facebook.com/menomineeanimalshelter N184 Haggerson Ct. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-7297 Email- animals@mashelter.org Website- http://www.mashelter.org/
Mighty Pet www.facebook.com/MightyPet 1207 8th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-4196 Email- mightypet.lodge@outlook.com Website- https://linktr.ee/MightyPet
Sharri Rye Pet Grooming www.facebook.com/sharriryepetgrooming 916 12th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 923-5956
The Groom Room https://www.facebook.com/The-Groom-Room-104849938506716 Peshtigo, WI 54147 Email- adebriyn16@gmail.com
UP XL Bullies https://www.facebook.com/UPXLBullies Menominee, MI Phone- (715) 923-0769 Email- falkenstein78@gmail.com Website- https://www.upxlbullies.com/
A&K Bait & Tackle www.facebook.com/ankbaitntackle 1616 Shore Drive Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-9595 Website- http://aandksport.com/
1896 Homestead Shoppe, LLC www.facebook.com/1896-Homestead-Shoppe-LLC-272986659396103 1311 Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-2226
Andy’s ACE Hardware www.facebook.com/AceHardwareMenominee 1307 8th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-4092 Email- plazaace@outlook.com Website- https://andyacehardware.com/
By The Bay Gallery & Gifts www.facebook.com/bythebaygalleryandgifts 515 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-4185 Email- bythebaygallerygifts@gmail.com Website- https://www.bythebaygalleryandgifts.com/
CJ’s Glass www.facebook.com/CJs-Glass-101347793275664 802 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (608) 354-2303 Email- cjsglass@gmail.com
CS Metal Art Decor & Gifts www.facebook.com/CSMetalArt N911 US Highway 41 Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-0105 Email- csmetalart@gmail.com Website- http://csmetalart.com/
Coble’s Cedar Crafts www.facebook.com/Cobles-Cedar-Crafts-100922688190135 N1196 Coble Road Peshtigo WI 54157 Phone- (715) 938-4207Email- coblec8033@gmail.com
Embrace the Lace https://www.facebook.com/EmbracetheLacewithDes 950 Frontage Rd. Suite 1 Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 801-0013 Email- des@embracethelace.com Website- https://www.embracethelace.com/
EnJoy Gifts & Gathering www.facebook.com/enJOYGiftsGathering 1713 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-2100 Email- enjoy2009@yahoo.com
First Street Art Gallery www.facebook.com/FirstStreetArt 601 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-4562 Email- fsagmenominee@gmail.com Website- https://firststreetartgallery.com/
Forever Toys/1st Street Toy Company www.facebook.com/ForeverToys1stStreetToyCompany 513 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-1862 Website- http://firststreettoycompany.com/
Home of Yesteryear www.facebook.com/Home-of-Yesteryear 953 1st Street Menominee MI 49858. Phone- (906) 352-4197 Email- homeofyeasteryear@gmail.com
Image Works Custom Apparel www.facebook.com/imageworksapparel 528 10th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-3000 Email- tracy@imageworksapparel.com Website- https://www.imageworksapparel.net/
J & M Refacing Inc www.facebook.com/J-M-Refacing-Inc-153045681403794 2202 Hall Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-4505 Email- wind_rider@new.rr.com Website- http://hansenscreek.com/
Lauerman’s Home Furnishings www.facebook.com/LauermansHomeFurnishings 3403 Gallagher Rd. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-4111 Email- sales@lauermans.net Website- http://lauermans.net/
Main Street Antique Mall www.facebook.com/MainStreetAntinqueMall 1622 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 901-3315 Email- mainstreetantiquemalls@gmail.com Website- http://mainstreetantiquemalls.com/
Maloney’s Home Center www.facebook.com/DiscountFurnitureFloor W1860 Hwy. 41 Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-0350 Email- dff07@yahoo.com Website- http://maloneyshomecenterwi.com/
Marinette Garden & Farm & Pets Too www.facebook.com/myfarmgardenpets2 630 Hattie St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-7439 Email- mfg@newbc.rr.com Website- http://www.myfarmgarden.com/
McCraftie’s www.facebook.com/McCraftie 1004 17th Ave, Menominee, MI Phone- (715) 690-9581 Website- https://mccraftiellc.square.site/
Menominee Industrial Supply, LLC www.facebook.com/MenomineeIndustrialSupply 1112 26th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-5526 Email- mif@menindsup.com Website- https://menindsup.com/
Mighty Pet www.facebook.com/MightyPet 1207 8th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 424-4196 Email- mightypet.lodge@outlook.com Website- https://linktr.ee/MightyPet
Mikutowski Woodworking www.facebook.com/MikutowskiWoodworking 1700 Pierce Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (906) 863-3388 Email- mikwood@mikutowskiwoodworking.com Website- http://www.mikutowskiwoodworking.com/
Miller’s Action Office Supply www.facebook.com/MillersOfficeSupply 705 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-7855 Email- squirrel@millersactionoffice.com Website- http://www.millersactionoffice.com/
Mint Expressions, LLC www.facebook.com/mintexpressionsllc 2205 Hall Ave. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 596-0561 Email- mintexpressionsllc@gmail.com Website- http://www.mintexpressions.com/
Nerat Merchandising www.facebook.com/Nerat-Merchandising-209571532440782 3808 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-7727 Email- nerats@yahoo.com Website- https://www.nerat.com/
Peshtigo Apparel Co & More www.facebook.com/peshtigoapparelco Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 582-1242 Email- peshtigoapparelco@gmail.com Website- https://peshtigoapparelco.com/
Pine Street Quilts www.facebook.com/Pine-Street-Quilts-142685819128293 801 Marinette Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-9806 Email- pinestreet@hotmail.com Website- http://www.pinestreetquilts.com/
Quilter’s Haven LTD www.facebook.com/Quilters-Haven-LTD-209072382466736 447 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-3078 Email- c_caselton@hotmail.com Website- http://www.quiltershavenltd.net/
River Cities Reuse Store www.facebook.com/RiverCitiesMarinette 3342 Cleveland Ave. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-6290
Riverstone Soap Company, LLC www.facebook.com/riverstonesoap 801 Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 587-1591 Website- http://www.riverstonesoap.com/
S&K Smoke Shop www.facebook.com/SandKSmokeShop 434 10th Ave. Menominee, MI Phone- (906) 863-8617
Simply Charming Boutique www.facebook.com/Simply-Charming-Boutique-125336590817983 1713 Dunlap Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-9300 Email- customerservice@simplycharming.com
Superior Auction & Appraisal LLC www.facebook.com/SuperiorAuctionAppraisal 1107 13th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-2942 Email- info@superiorauction.net Website- http://www.superiorauction.net/
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marinette www.facebook.com/SVDPMarinette 1619 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 735-6956 Email- svdp@svdpmarinette.com Website- http://www.svdpmarinette.com/
Sticks & Stones www.facebook.com/Kristysfinejunk 10th Ave, Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-2177
The Goose & Gander Finery www.facebook.com/gooseandganderfinery 1713 Dunlap Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-0825 Email- ggfinery@gmail.com Website- http://www.gooseandganderfinery.com/
Thrifty Treasures- Peshtigo www.facebook.com/thriftytreasurespeshtigo 251 French St. Peshtigo, WI 54157 Phone- (715) 582-0500 Email- thriftytreasurespeshtigo@gmail.com
Trends & Traditions www.facebook.com/trendsandtradsmi 615 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 864-1568 Email- trendtraditions@gmail.com Website- http://trendstraditions.com/
UP North Designs www.facebook.com/UPNorthDesignsMI Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 290-1028 Email- beckylinsmeier@yahoo.com
Walter Brothers True Value https://www.facebook.com/walterbrotherstruevalue 2113 10th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-2628 Website- https://stores.truevalue.com/mi/menominee/10053/
Waterfront Sport and Marine in Marinette www.facebook.com/waterfrontsportandmarine 2990 Cleveland Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-0429 Email- info@waterfrontsport.com Website- info@waterfrontsport.com
XL Powersports www.facebook.com/XLPowersports 1616 Marinette Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (833) 330-5261 Email- eric@xlride.com Website- https://www.xlride.com/
Darrin Robison- Weichert Realtors- Place Perfect www.facebook.com/SoldbyDarrinRobison 2056 Maple Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (706) 761-7793 Email- drobison@placeperfectrealty.com Website- http://www.PlacePerfectRealty.com/
Assist2Sell Marinette Menominee Discount Real Estate www.facebook.com/Assist2SellMarinetteMenominee 3000 Cleveland Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 504-0925 Email- assist2sellmarinette@gmail.com Website- http://www.marinettemenomineehomes.com/
Broadway Real Estate www.facebook.com/BroadwayRealEstate 1600 13th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 863-4484 Email- homes@broadwayrealestate.com Website- http://www.broadwayrealestate.com/
State Wide Real Estate of Mi-Wi, Inc www.facebook.com/StateWideRealEstateOfMiWiInc 1460 Marinette Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (906) 863-9905 Email- statewide.mi@yahoo.com Website- http://Statewiderealestateofmiwi.com/
JD 1st Real Estate www.facebook.com/AlwaysBe1st 505 1st. St. Menominee, MI 54143 Phone- (906) 352-4140 Email- derushajulie@gmail.com Website- http://www.jd1st.com/
Hope Matthews- JD 1st Real Estate www.facebook.com/HopeMatthewsRealEstate 505 1st St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (715) 716-6469 Email- realtorhopematthews@gmail.com Website- http://www.jd1st.com/
Megan Cornell- Keller Williams www.facebook.com/homesforsalebymegan Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 923-5403 Email- megancornell45@gmail.com
Rena Lukowski-Weichert, Realtors-Place Perfect www.facebook.com/SoldbyRenaL 2056 Maple Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 587-4226 Email- rlukowski@placeperfectrealty.com Website- https://rena-lukowski.weichertplaceperfect.com/
Life Long Ink Tattoo & Piercing Studio https://www.facebook.com/LifeLongInk 1708 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 330-1004
Main Street Electric Tattoo Co https://www.facebook.com/MainStreetElectricTattooCo 2739 Roosevelt Rd. Ste. C Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 330-5188 Email- mainstreetelectrictattoo@yahoo.com Website- http://mainstreetelectrictattoo.weebly.com/
The Cardinal Club https://www.facebook.com/The-Cardinal-Club-2273425586249007 1539 Main St. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 701-1108 Email- thecardinalclubtattoo@gmail.com
Mariner Theatre www.facebook.com/marinertheatre 2000 Ella Ct. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 732-9364 Email-movies@marinertheatre.com Website- http://www.marinertheatre.com/
Phoenix Theatre & Escape Room www.facebook.com/phoenixtheatremarinette 2727 Cahill Rd. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 504-2989 Email- manager@phoenixtheatremovies.com Website- https://phoenixtheatremovies.com/
New Horizon Travel https://www.facebook.com/New-Horizons-Travel-390291954365642 2128 Hall Ave Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (906) 863-9915 Email- tammybouchetravel@yahoo.com Website- http://www.newhorizonstravel.org/
Trip Along Travel https://www.facebook.com/beckytripalongtravel Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 330-3290 Email- becky@tripalongtravel.com Website- http://www.tripalongtravel.com/
WK Photography, Multi-Media & Morewww.facebook.com/WKVirtualServices Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- 715-518-8587 Email- wkphotographymi@gmail.com Website- https://wkmultimedia.com/
Green Web Design www.facebook.com/GreenWebDesign Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (866) 932-9433 Email- webmaster@greenwebdesign.com Website- https://www.greenwebdesign.com/ Coupon Code- wkpmmm
Forgotten Fire Winery www.facebook.com/ForgottenFireWinery N2393 Schacht Rd. Marinette, WI 54143 Phone- (715) 582-3473 Email- forgottenfirewinery@gmail.com Website- https://www.forgottenfirewinery.com/
Three Bridge Brewing Co. www.facebook.com/threebridgebrewing 2221 13th St. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 399-9611
Yooper Winery www.facebook.com/Yooper-Winery-871098236338194 915 48th Ave Menominee, MI 49858 Phone- (906) 361-0318 Email- jrl660@hotmail.com Website- http://yooperwinery.com/